Woman, the follow-up to renowned French filmmaker Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s epic documentary Human, centres on intimate, first-person interviews shot all over the world. In this series of articles, meet the director and co-director, find out how the Woman team carry out their powerful interviews and discover how the team met technical and narrative challenges.
Spotlight article
Yann Arthus-Bertrand on his documentary, Woman
The French filmmaker talks about his career and reveals how he hopes to change the world.
08 Mar 2019
Behind the scenes: interviewing for Woman
From the camera position to posing the tough questions, this is how the Woman team carried out their powerful interviews.
Woman co-director Anastasia Mikova on her process
The filmmaker talks about her vision for Woman, which she co-directed and co-produced with Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
Behind the scenes: post-production on Woman
An insight into the Woman editing room shows how the team met some of the technical and narrative challenges of the post-production process.
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Read the articleHow the Woman interviews were filmed
Woman co-director Anastasia Mikova and her team of journalists reveal the process behind their taboo-busting interviews.
08 Mar 2019
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